mysqlsh - MySQL Shell commands
mysqlsh --mysqlx -u user -h localhost -C required --compression-algorithms=lz4,zstd --compression-level=5
echo "show databases;" | mysqlsh --sql --uri user@
mysqlsh < code.js
Usage: mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI]
mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI] -f path [script-args...]
mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI] --cluster|--replicaset
mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI] --object method [method-args...]
mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI] --dba enableXProtocol
mysqlsh [OPTIONS] [URI] --import {file|-} [collection|table column]
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
-- Triggers API Command Line integration, which allows execution of methods of the Shell global objects from command line using
syntax: -- object method [arguments]
For more details execute '\? cmdline' inside of the Shell.
-e, --execute=cmd Execute command and quit.
-c, --pyc=cmd Execute Python command and quit. Any options specified after this are used as arguments of the processed command.
-f, --file=file Specify a file to process in batch mode. Any options specified after this are used as arguments of the processed file.
--ssh=value Make SSH tunnel connection usingUniform Resource Identifier. Format: [user[:pass]@]host[:port]
--ssh-identity-file=file File from which the private key for public key authentication is read.
--ssh-config-file=file Specify a custom path for SSH configuration.
--uri=value Connect to Uniform Resource Identifier. Format: [user[:pass]@]host[:port][/db]
-h, --host=name Connect to host.
-P, --port=# Port number to use for connection.
--connect-timeout=ms Connection timeout in milliseconds.
-S, --socket[=sock] Socket name to use. If no value is provided will use default UNIX socket path.
-u, --user=name User for the connection to the server.
--password=[pass] Password to use when connecting to server. If password is empty, connection will be made without using a password.
-p, --password Request password prompt to set the password
--password1[=pass] Password for first factor authentication plugin.
--password2[=pass] Password for second factor authentication plugin.
--password3[=pass] Password for third factor authentication plugin.
-C, --compress[=value] Use compression in client/server protocol. Valid values: 'REQUIRED', 'PREFFERED', 'DISABLED', 'True', 'False', '1', and '0'. Boolean values map to REQUIRED and DISABLED respectively. By default compression is set to DISABLED in classic protocol and PREFERRED in X protocol connections.
--compression-algorithms=list Use compression algorithm in server/client protocol. Expects comma separated list of algorithms. Supported algorithms include 'zstd', 'zlib', 'lz4' (X protocol only), and 'uncompressed', which if appears in a list, causes connection to succeed even if compression negotiation fails.
--compression-level=int Use this compression level in the
--zstd-compression-level=int client/server protocol. Supported by X protocol and zstd compression in classic protocol.
--import file collection Import JSON documents from file to
--import file table col collection or table in MySQL Server. Set file to - if you want to read the data from stdin. Requires a default schema on the connection options.
-D, --schema=name Schema to use.
--database=name Same as --schema.
--fido-register-factor=name Specifies authentication factor, for which registration needs to be done.
--recreate-schema Drop and recreate the specified schema. Schema will be deleted if it exists!
--mx, --mysqlx Uses connection data to create an X protocol session.
--mc, --mysql Uses connection data to create a classic session.
--redirect-primary Ensure that the target server is part of an InnoDB cluster or ReplicaSet and if it is not a primary, find the primary and connect to it.
--redirect-secondary Ensure that the target server is part of an InnoDB Cluster or ReplicaSet and if it is not a secondary, find a secondary and connect to it.
--cluster Ensure that the target server is part of an InnoDB Cluster and if so, set the 'cluster' global variable. Also sets 'clusterset' if the cluster is part of a ClusterSet.
--replicaset Ensure that the target server is part of an InnoDB ReplicaSet and if so, set the 'rs' global variable.
--sql Start in SQL mode, auto-detecting the protocol to use if it is not specified as part of the connection information.
--sqlc Start in SQL mode using a classic session.
--sqlx Start in SQL mode using an X protocol session.
--js, --javascript Start in JavaScript mode.
--py, --python Start in Python mode.
--pym module Run Python library module as a script. Remaining args are forwarded to it.
--json[=format] Produce output in JSON format. Allowed values: raw, pretty, and off. If no format is specified pretty format is produced.
--table Produce output in table format (default for interactive mode). This option can be used to force that format when running in batch mode.
--tabbed Produce output in tab separated format (default for batch mode). This option can be used to force that format when running in interactive mode.
-E, --vertical Print the output of a query (rows) vertically.
--result-format=value Determines format of results. Allowed values: [table, tabbed, vertical, json, ndjson, json/raw, json/array, json/pretty].
--get-server-public-key Request public key from the server required for RSA key pair-based password exchange. Use when connecting to MySQL 8.0 servers with classic sessions with SSL mode DISABLED.
--server-public-key-path=p The path name to a file containing a client-side copy of the public key required by the server for RSA key pair-based password exchange. Use when connecting to MySQL 8.0 servers with classic sessions with SSL mode DISABLED.
-i, --interactive[=full] To use in batch mode. It forces emulation of interactive mode processing. Each line on the batch is processed as if it were in interactive mode.
--force In SQL batch mode, forces processing to continue if an error is found.
--log-file=path Override location of the Shell log file.
--log-level=value Set logging level. The log level value must be an integer between 1 and 8 or any of [none, internal, error, warning, info, debug, debug2, debug3] respectively.
--dba-log-sql[={0|1|2}] Log SQL statements executed by AdminAPI operations: 0 - logging disabled; 1 - log statements other than SELECT and SHOW; 2 - log all statements. Option takes precedence over --log-sql in Dba.* context if enabled.
--log-sql=off|error|on|all|unfiltered Log SQL statements: off - none of SQL statements will be logged; (default) error - SQL statement with error message will be logged only when error occurs; on - All SQL statements will be logged except these which match any of logSql.ignorePattern and logSql.ignorePatternUnsafe glob pattern; all - All SQL statements will be logged except these which match any of logSql.ignorePatternUnsafe glob pattern; unfiltered - All SQL statements will be logged.
--syslog Log filtered interactive commands to the system log. Filtering of commands depends on the patterns supplied via histignore option.
--verbose[={0|1|2|3|4}] Enable diagnostic message output to the console: 0 - display no messages; 1 - display error, warning and informational messages; 2, 3, 4 - include higher levels of debug messages. If level is not given, 1 is assumed.
--passwords-from-stdin Read passwords from stdin instead of the console.
--show-warnings={true|false} Automatically display SQL warnings on SQL mode if available.
--column-type-info Display column type information in SQL mode. Please be aware that output may depend on the protocol you are using to connect to the server, e.g. DbType field is approximated when using X protocol.
--histignore=filters Shell's history ignore list.
--pager=value Pager used to display text output of statements executed in SQL mode as well as some other selected commands. Pager can be manually enabled in scripting modes. If you don't supply an option, the default pager is taken from your ENV variable PAGER. This option only works in interactive mode. This option is disabled by default.
--mysql-plugin-dir[=path] Directory for client-side authentication plugins.
--name-cache Enable database name caching for autocompletion and DevAPI (default).
-A, --no-name-cache Disable automatic database name caching for autocompletion and DevAPI. Use \rehash to load DB names manually.
--nw, --no-wizard Disables wizard mode.
--no-password Sets empty password and disables prompt for password.
-V, --version Prints the version of MySQL Shell.
--ssl-key=file_name The path to the SSL private key file in PEM format.
--ssl-cert=file_name The path to the SSL public key certificate file in PEM format.
--ssl-ca=file_name The path to the certificate authority file in PEM format.
--ssl-capath=dir_name The path to the directory that contains the certificate authority files in PEM format.
--ssl-cipher=cipher_list The list of permissible encryption ciphers for connections that use TLS protocols up through TLSv1.2.
--ssl-crl=file_name The path to the file containing certificate revocation lists in PEM format.
--ssl-crlpath=dir_name The path to the directory that contains certificate revocation-list files in PEM format.
--ssl-mode=mode SSL mode to use. Allowed values: DISABLED,PREFERRED, REQUIRED, VERIFY_CA, VERIFY_IDENTITY.
--tls-version=version TLS version to use. Allowed values: TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--tls-ciphersuites=name TLS v1.3 cipher to use.
--auth-method=method Authentication method to use. In case of classic session, this is the name of the authentication plugin to use, i.e. caching_sha2_password. In case of X protocol session, it should be one of: AUTO, FROM_CAPABILITIES, FALLBACK, MYSQL41, PLAIN, SHA256_MEMORY.
--dba=enableXProtocol Enable the X protocol in the target server. Requires a connection using classic session.
--quiet-start[={1|2}] Avoids printing information when the shell is started. A value of 1 will prevent printing the shell version information. A value of 2 will prevent printing any information unless it is an error. If no value is specified uses 1 as default.
--credential-store-helper=h Specifies the helper which is going to be used to store/retrieve the passwords.
--save-passwords=value Controls automatic storage of passwords. Allowed values are: always, prompt, never.
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaults Print the program argument list and exit.
--no-defaults Don't read default options from any option file, except for login file.
--defaults-file=# Only read default options from the given file #.
--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read.
--defaults-group-suffix=# Also read groups with concat(group, suffix)
--login-path=# Read this path from the login file.
Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /usr/local/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf
The following groups are read: mysqlsh client
Usage examples:
$ mysqlsh --login-path=server1 --sql
$ mysqlsh root@localhost/schema
$ mysqlsh mysqlx://root@some.server:3307/world_x
$ mysqlsh --uri root@localhost --py -f sample param
$ mysqlsh root@targethost:33070 -s world_x -f sample.js
$ mysqlsh -- util check-for-server-upgrade root@localhost --output-format=JSON
\help connect
\connect dbadmin@localhost:3306
\c root@linuxhost1
\connect --mysqlx root@localhost:33060
\connect --ssh root@ root@localhost:3310
\show threads --foreground -o tid,ptid,cid,user,hot,progname,command,memory
\show thread --tid 54 --general --client --locks
\source /tmp/mydata.sql
\use schema_name
\sql show databases;
\sql select * from limit 3;
JS> var session1 = mysql.getClassicSession('root@localhost:3306, 'hive');
JS> session.runSql('select * from mysql.user');
JS> db.createCollection('openjs');
JS> \watch query --interval=0.5 show global status like 'Com%'
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