emcli -- Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface, in Oracle
emcli login -username="sysman"
emcli modify_target -name="pdb2" -type="oracle_database" -credentials= "UserName:sys;password:secret;Role:SYSDBA" -on_agent
emcli modify_target -name="+ASM_devdb" -type="asm_instance" -credentials= "UserName:sys;password:devasm;Role:SYSDBA" -on_agent
emcli delete_target -name="testdb" -type="oracle_database"
emcli setup -url=https://prodoem.oem-app.com/em/ -username=sysman -password=12coem
emcli help verb
emcli help
argfile -- execute emcli verbs from a file
help -- get help for emcli verbs (Usage: emcli help [])
login -- login to the EM Management Server (OMS)
logout -- logout from the EM Management Server (OMS)
setup -- setup emcli to work with an EM Management Server (OMS)
sync -- synchronize with the EM Management Server (OMS)
version -- list emcli verb versions or the emcli client version
Agent Recovery Verbs
resyncAgent -- Agent Recovery
Agent Administration Verbs
get_agent_properties -- displays details of all properties of an agent.
get_agent_property -- displays the value of specific property of an agent.
set_agent_property -- modify specific property of an agent.
Audit Settings Verbs
disable_audit -- Disable em auditing for all User Operations.
enable_audit -- Enable em auditing for all User Operations.
show_audit_settings -- Show the Current Audit Settings Stored in repository.
show_operations_list -- Show all Auditable EM Operation Names.
update_audit_settings -- Update the Current Audit Settings Stored in repository.
Blackout Verbs
create_blackout -- create a blackout
delete_blackout -- delete a blackout
get_blackout_details -- get detailed info for a blackout
get_blackout_reasons -- list all blackout reasons
get_blackout_targets -- list targets for a blackout
get_blackouts -- list blackouts
stop_blackout -- stop a blackout
Cloning Verbs
clone_as_home -- clone an Application Server Oracle home.
clone_crs_home -- clone a Oracle Clusterware Oracle home.
clone_database_home -- clone an Oracle home database.
extend_as_home -- extend an Application Server Oracle home.
extend_crs_home -- extend a Oracle Clusterware Oracle home.
extend_rac_home -- extend a RAC Oracle home.
Credential Verbs
set_credential -- set preferred or monitoring credentials for given users
show_credential_set_info -- display the credential set parameters
show_credential_type_info -- display the credential type parameters
update_host_password -- Update the host password change in EM Credential Sub-System
update_password -- update passwords for a given target
update_target_password -- Update the Changed target password in EM Credential Sub-System
Credential Verbs - Oracle Database
update_db_password -- Update the target password change in EM Credential Sub-System and change at target database
Discover and Push to Agents Verbs
discover_wls -- get summary for DISCOVER_PUSH Verb
Execute Command Verbs
execute_hostcmd -- execute a host command
execute_sql -- execute a sql command
Group Verbs
create_group -- create a group
delete_group -- delete a group
get_group_members -- list the members in a group
get_groups -- list all groups
modify_group -- modify a group
Management Services and Repository Verbs
loader_perf -- execute performance test to determine network bottleneck between OMS and EM Repository.
Job Verbs
delete_job -- delete a specified job
get_job_execution_detail -- display details of job execution
get_jobs -- get a list of existing jobs
retry_job -- re-start a previously failed job execution
stop_job -- stop a specified job
submit_job -- submit a job
grant_license_no_validation -- grant licenses on a set of user specified or all packs to a set of user specified or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type.
grant_license_with_validation -- grant licenses on a set of user specified or all packs to a set of user specified or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type as per business rules.
revoke_license_no_validation -- revoke licenses on a set of user specified or all packs from a set of user specified or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type.
revoke_license_with_validation -- revoke licenses on a set of user specified or all packs from a set of user specified or all targets belonging to the input licensable target type as per business rules.
Management Plug-in Verbs
add_group_to_mpa -- add a group to a Management Plug-in Archive
add_mp_to_mpa -- add a Management Plug-in to a Management Plug-in Archive
Masking Verbs
export_masking_definition -- Export masking definition to the specified path.
generate_masking_script -- Generate masking script and store in the repository
import_masking_definition -- Import masking definition from a specified file.
list_masking_definitions -- Get the list of masking definitions ,the associated target and their script status
reassoc_masking_definition -- Reassociate an existing masking definition to another database target.
save_masking_script -- Save generated masking script to the specified path.
submit_masking_job -- Submit a masking job ,display job id and execution id
Metric Collection And Alerts
clear_stateless_alerts -- clears one or more stateless alert(s)
collect_metric -- collects metric data on demand
get_metrics_for_stateless_alerts -- gets the list of metrics whose alerts can be manually cleared
get_on_demand_metrics -- gets the list of metrics
get_unsync_alerts -- get the list of alerts that are out-of-sync between agent and repository
Notification Verbs
subscribeto_rule -- subscribe user to rule with email notification
update_event_rule -- disable or enable repeat notification for notification rule
Deployment Procedure Verbs
confirm_instance -- Confirm manual step.
delete_instance -- Delete a stopped or completed Deployment Instance.
get_instance_data_xml -- Download Instance Data XML
get_instance_status -- Display Procedure Instance status
get_instances -- Display list of Procedure Instances
get_procedure_types -- display Procedure types
get_procedure_xml -- download Deployment Procedure XML
get_procedures -- display Procedure lists
get_retry_arguments -- Get arguments of failed steps which can be retried.
ignore_instance -- Ignore failed step.
reschedule_instance -- Reschedule a submitted Procedure Instance for execution.
resume_instance -- Resume a suspended Deployment Instance.
retry_instance -- Retry failed instance or failed step.
set_instance_jobgrants -- set the user access privilege for jobs of the Deployment Instance
start_paf_daemon -- Start Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon
status_paf_daemon -- Get Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon status
stop_instance -- Stop a scheduled, failed or running Deployment Instance.
stop_paf_daemon -- Stop Deployment Procedure Manager Daemon
submit_procedure -- submit a Deployment Procedure for execution.
suspend_instance -- Suspend a running Deployment Instance.
update_and_retry_step -- Update arguments of the failed step and retry it
Privilege Delegation Settings
apply_privilege_delegation_setting -- set Privilege Delegation Setting on given targets
clear_privilege_delegation_setting -- clear Privilege Delegation Setting from given hosts
create_privilege_delegation_setting -- create Privilege Delegation Setting Template to apply later.
delete_privilege_delegation_settings -- deletes Privilege Delegation Setting Template.
list_privilege_delegation_settings -- lists Privilege Delegation Setting Templates available on server to apply on targets.
list_target_privilege_delegation_settings -- lists current Privilege Delegation Setting on targets.
Provisioning Verbs
provision -- provision a hardware server.
Agent Patch Verbs
submit_agent_patch Patch the Agent
Redundancy Group Verbs
create_red_group -- create a group
create_redundancy_group -- creates a Redundancy Group
modify_red_group -- modify a redundancy group
modify_redundancy_group -- modifies a Redundancy Group
view_redundancy_group -- shows the present configuration of the Redundancy Group
Refresh WLS Domain Verbs
Report Import/Export Verbs
export_report -- export a Report from repository to XML File
get_reports -- list all reports owned by cli administrator or other specific administrator
import_report -- import a Report into repository from XML File
SecureComm Verbs
get_ca_info -- Display the Agents whose certificates are issued by the CA(s)
Services Verbs
add_beacon -- adds a beacon to monitoring beacons of service
apply_template_tests -- Apply an XML Service Template to a Target
assign_test_to_target -- assigns a test-type to a specified target-type and version
change_service_system_assoc -- changes the system for a particular service
create_aggregate_service -- create an aggregate service
create_service -- creates a Service of given type
delete_metric_promotion -- deletes a metric promotion on a service
delete_test -- deletes a Service Test
delete_test_threshold -- deletes a test threshold
disable_test -- disables a Service Test monitoring
enable_test -- enables a Service Test monitoring
extract_template_tests -- Extract a Service Template as XML
get_aggregate_service_info -- get timezone region and availability evaluation function
get_aggregate_service_members -- get sub-service members of the aggregate service
get_test_thresholds -- gets test thresholds
modify_aggregate_service -- modify an aggregate service
remove_beacon -- removes a beacon from monitoring beacons of service
remove_service_system_assoc -- removes the System for a Service of given type
run_avail_diag -- runs availability diagnostics on a service target
run_promoted_metric_diag -- runs promoted metric diagnostics on a service target
set_availability -- sets availability type of service
set_key_beacons_tests -- sets the key beacons and tests of a service
set_metric_promotion -- promotes a system/test based metric to performance/usage/business metric of a service
set_properties -- sets properties on a test or test, beacon level
set_test_threshold -- sets a test threshold
sync_beacon -- syncronize a beacon which is monitoring the target (reloads all collections to beacon)
System Verbs
create_system -- create a system
delete_system -- delete a system
get_system_members -- list the members in a system
modify_system -- modify a system
Target Data Verbs
add_target -- add a target to the repository
add_target_property -- Adds a new target property to all targets of the specified target type
delete_target -- delete a specified target
get_target_properties -- Lists all property names for the target type provided
get_targets -- get status and blackout info for targets
modify_target -- modify a target instance definition
relocate_targets -- relocate targets from one agent to another
remove_target_property -- Removes the target property from all targets of the specified target type
set_standby_agent -- permitting targets to relocate from one agent to another
set_target_property_value -- Set/Updates the property value for targets provided
Monitoring Templates
apply_template -- apply a monitoring template
export_template -- export a template
import_template -- import a template
modify_collection_schedule -- modify collection schedule for a collection
User Administration Verbs
create_role -- create a new role
create_user -- create a new user
delete_role -- delete an existing role
delete_user -- delete an existing user
get_supported_privileges -- Get the list of available privileges
grant_privs -- Grant privileges to a user or role
grant_roles -- Grant roles to a user or role
modify_role -- modify an existing role
modify_user -- modify an existing user
revoke_privs -- Revoke privileges from a user or role
revoke_roles -- Revokes roles from a user or role
Virtualization Verbs
delete_guest_vm -- Delete Guest Virtual Machine.
get_guest_vm_status -- Get the status of the Guest Virtual Machine.
get_virtual_server_status -- Get the status of the Virtual Server.
list_guest_vm -- List all Guest Virtual Machines.
list_ovm_virtual_server_pool -- List OVM Virtual Server Pools.
list_virtual_server -- List all Virtual Servers.
list_virtual_server_pool -- List all Virtual Server Pools.
migrate_vsp_ovm_to_em -- Migrate Virtual Server Pool from OVM Manager to EM.
pause_guest_vm -- Pause Guest Virtual Machine.
reboot_guest_vm -- Reboot Guest Virtual Machine.
reboot_virtual_server -- Reboot Virtual Server.
resume_guest_vm -- Resume Guest Virtual Machine.
start_guest_vm -- Start Guest Virtual Machine.
start_vt_daemon -- Start virtualization daemon.
status_vt_daemon -- Get status for virtualization daemon.
stop_guest_vm -- Stop Guest Virtual Machine.
stop_virtual_server -- Stop Virtual Server.
stop_vt_daemon -- Stop virtualization daemon.
suspend_guest_vm -- Suspend Guest Virtual Machine.
unpause_guest_vm -- Unpause Guest Virtual Machine.
emcli > help()
emcli > help(create_system)
Related Articles: emctl commands emca commands opatchauto utility
emcli > help()
emcli > help(create_system)
Related Articles: emctl commands emca commands opatchauto utility
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