mysqldbcopy commands cheatsheet
mysqldbcopy copy databases from one server to another
mysqldbcopy utility, in MySQL, copies a database on a source server to a database on a destination server, with or without GTIDs enabled. Source and destination servers can be same or different.
Usage: mysqldbcopy --source=user:pass@host:port:socket --destination=user:pass@host:port:socket orig_db:new_db
mysqldbcopy --help
mysqldbcopy --version
mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@localhost --destination=root:pass@localhost world:world_copy
mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@localhost --destination=root:pass@localhost world:world_copy -vv
mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@localhost:3310:/test123/mysql.sock --destination=root:pass@localhost:3310:/test123/mysql.sock util_test:util_test_copy
mysqldbcopy --source=source_host --destination=target_host db1:db2 --locking=lock-all
mysqldbcopy --source=source_host --destination=target_host --all --locking=lock-all --quiet
mysqldbcopy --source=root@localhost:3310 --destination=root@localhost:3311 test123 --rpl=master --rpl-user=rpl
mysqldbcopy --source=/path/to/cred.cnf[source] --destination=/path/to/cred.cnf[destination] orig_db:new_db --drop-first
mysqldbcopy --source=/path/to/cred.cnf[source] --destination=/path/to/cred.cnf[destination] orig_db:new_db --drop-first --skip-gtid --verbose
mysql db copy Options:
--version show program's version number and exit
--help display a help message and exit
--license display program's license and exit
--source=SOURCE connection information for source server in the form: user[:password]@host[:port][:socket] or login-path[:port][:socket].
--destination=DESTINATION connection information for destination server in the form: user[:password]@host[:port][:socket] or login-path[:port][:socket].
--character-set=CHARSET sets the client character set. The default is retrieved from the server variable 'character_set_client'.
-d, --drop-first drop the new database or object if it exists
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE exclude one or more objects from the operation using either a specific name (e.g. db1.t1), a LIKE pattern (e.g. db1.t% or db%.%) or a REGEXP search pattern.
To use a REGEXP search pattern for all exclusions, you must also specify the --regexp option. Repeat the --exclude option for multiple exclusions.
-a, --all include all databases
--skip=SKIP_OBJECTS specify objects to skip in the operation in the form of a comma-separated list (no spaces).
Valid values = tables, views, triggers, procedures, functions, events, grants, data, create_db
-v, --verbose control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug
-q, --quiet turn off all messages for quiet execution.
--new-storage-engine=NEW_ENGINE change all tables to use this storage engine if storage engine exists on the destination.
--default-storage-engine=DEF_ENGINE change all tables to use this storage engine if the original storage engine does not exist on the destination.
--locking=LOCKING choose the lock type for the operation: no-locks = do not use any table locks, lock-all = use table locks but no transaction and no consistent read, snapshot
(default): consistent read using a single transaction.
-G, --basic-regexp, --regexp use 'REGEXP' operator to match pattern. Default is to use 'LIKE'.
--rpl-user=RPL_USER the user and password for the replication user requirement, in the form: user[:password] or login-path. E.g. rpl:passwd
--rpl=RPL_MODE, --replication=RPL_MODE include replication information. Choices: 'master' = include the CHANGE MASTER command using the source server as the master, 'slave' = include the CHANGE MASTER command for the source server's master (only works if the source server is a slave).
--skip-gtid skip creation and execution of GTID statements during copy.
--multiprocess=MULTIPROCESS use multiprocessing, number of processes to use for concurrent execution. Special values: 0 (number of processes equal to the CPUs detected) and 1 (default - no concurrency).
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