May 25, 2015

Oracle Export Import (exp & imp)

Export & Import utilities in Oracle

Export and Import are the Oracle utilities that allow us to make exports & imports of the data objects, and transfer the data across databases that reside on different hardware platforms on different Oracle versions.

Export (exp) and import (imp) utilities are used to perform logical database backup and recovery. When exporting, database objects are dumped to a binary file which can then be imported into another Oracle database.

catexp.sql (in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin) will create EXP_FULL_DATABASE & IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles (no need to run this, if you ran catalog.sql at the time of database creation).

Before using these commands, you should set ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and PATH environment variables.

Oracle exp utility

Objects owned by SYS cannot be exported.

If you want to export objects of another schema, you need EXP_FULL_DATABASE role.

Format: exp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)

USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.

$ exp help=y

KeywordDescription (Default)
FULLexport entire file (N). To do full database export, that user must have EXP_FULL_DATABASE role
BUFFERsize of data buffer. OS dependent
OWNERlist of owner usernames
FILEoutput files (EXPDAT.DMP)
TABLESlist of table names
COMPRESSimport into one extent (Y)
RECORDLENGTH length of IO record
GRANTSexport grants (Y)
INCTYPEincremental export type. valid values are
INDEXESexport indexes (Y)
RECORDtrack incremental export (Y)
DIRECTdirect path (N)
TRIGGERSexport triggers (Y)
LOGlog file of screen output
STATISTICSanalyze objects (ESTIMATE)
ROWSexport data rows (Y)
PARFILEparameter filename
CONSISTENTcross-table consistency(N). Implements SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
CONSTRAINTSexport constraints (Y)
OBJECT_CONSISTENTtransaction set to read only during object export (N)
FEEDBACKdisplay progress (a dot) for every N rows (0)
FILESIZEmaximum size of each dump file
FLASHBACK_SCNSCN used to set session snapshot back to
FLASHBACK_TIMEtime used to get the SCN closest to the specified time
QUERYselect clause used to export a subset of a table
RESUMABLEsuspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
RESUMABLE_NAMEtext string used to identify resumable statement
TTS_FULL_CHECKperform full or partial dependency check for TTS
VOLSIZEnumber of bytes to write to each tape volume (not available from Oracle 11g Release2)
TABLESPACESlist of tablespaces to export
TRANSPORT_TABLESPACEexport transportable tablespace metadata (N)
TEMPLATEtemplate name which invokes iAS mode export

Note: values within parenthesis are the default values.


$ exp system/manager file=emp.dmp log=emp_exp.log full=y
==> exporting full database.

$ exp system/manager file=owner.dmp log=owner.log owner=owner direct=y STATISTICS=none
==> exporting all the objects of a schema.

$ exp file=schemas.dmp log=schemas.log owner=master,owner,user direct=y STATISTICS=none

==> exporting all the objects of multiple schemas.

$ exp file=testdb_emp.dmp log=testdb_emp.log tables=scott.emp direct=y STATISTICS=none

==> exporting all the rows in table (emp table records in scott schema).

$ exp file=itinitem.dmp log=itinitem.log tables=tom.ITIN,tom.ITEM

query=\"where CODE in \(\'OT65FR7H\',\'ATQ56F7H\'\)\"
==> exporting the records of some tables which satisfies a particular criteria.

$ exp transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=THU statistics=none file=THU.dmp log=thu_exp.log

==> exporting at tablespace level.

$ exp FILE=file1.dmp,file2.dmp,file3.dmp FILESIZE=10M LOG=multiple.log

==> exporting to multiple files.
$ exp file=scott.dmp log=scott.log inctype=complete
==> exporting full database (after some incremental/cumulative backups).

$ exp file=scott.dmp log=scott.log inctype=cumulative

==> exporting cumulatively (taking backup from last complete or cumulative backup).

$ exp file=scott.dmp log=scott.log inctype=incremental

==> exporting incrementally (taking backup from last complete or cumulative or incremental backup).

Oracle imp utility

imp provides backward compatibility i.e. it will allows you to

import the objects that you have exported in lower Oracle versions also.

imp doesn't recreate already existing objects. It either abort the import process (default) or ignores the errors (if you specify IGNORE=Y).

Format: imp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)

USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.

$ imp help=y

KeywordDescription (Default)
FULLimport entire file (N). To do the full database import, that user must have IMP_FULL_DATABASE role
BUFFERsize of data buffer. OS dependent
FROMUSERlist of owner usernames
FILEinput files (EXPDAT.DMP)
TOUSERlist of usernames
SHOWjust list file contents (N), will be used to check the validity of the dump file
TABLESlist of table names
IGNOREignore create errors (N)
RECORDLENGTHlength of IO record
GRANTSimport grants (Y)
INCTYPEincremental import type. valid keywords are
SYSTEM (for definitions), RESTORE (for data)
INDEXESimport indexes (Y)
COMMITcommit array insert (N)
ROWSimport data rows (Y)
PARFILEparameter filename
LOGlog file of screen output
CONSTRAINTSimport constraints (Y)
DESTROYoverwrite tablespace datafile (N)
INDEXFILEwill write DDLs of the objects in the dumpfile into the specified file
SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXESskip maintenance of unusable indexes (N)
FEEDBACKdisplay progress every x rows(0)
TOID_NOVALIDATEskip validation of specified type ids
FILESIZEmaximum size of each dump file
STATISTICSimport precomputed statistics (ALWAYS)
RESUMABLEsuspend when a space related error is encountered(N)
RESUMABLE_NAMEtext string used to identify resumable statement
COMPILEcompile procedures, packages, and functions (Y)
STREAMS_CONFIGURATIONimport streams general metadata (Y)
STREAMS_INSTANTIATIONimport streams instantiation metadata (N)
VOLSIZEnumber of bytes in file on each volume of a file on tape (not available from Oracle 11g Release2)
DATA_ONLYimport only data (N) (from Oracle 11g Release2)

The following keywords only apply to transportable tablespaces

TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE import transportable tablespace metadata (N)
TABLESPACES tablespaces to be transported into database
DATAFILES datafiles to be transported into database
TTS_OWNERS users that own data in the transportable tablespace set

Note: values within parenthesis are the default values.Examples:

$ imp system/manager file=emp.dmp log=emp_imp.log full=y
==> importing all the exported data.

$ imp system/manager file=testdb_emp.dmp log=testdb_emp_imp.log tables=tester.employee

==> importing all the records of table (employee table records in tester schema).

$ imp FILE=two.dmp LOG=two.log IGNORE=Y GRANTS=N INDEXES=N COMMIT=Y TABLES=(brand, book)

==> importing all the records of couple of tables.

$ imp system/manager file=intenary.dmp log=intenary.log FROMUSER=tom TOUSER=jerry ignore=y

==> importing data of one schema into another schema

$ imp "/as sysdba" file=TUE.dmp TTS_OWNERS=OWNER tablespaces=TUE transport_tablespace=y datafiles=TUE.dbf

$ imp file=transporter3.dmp log=transporter3.log inctype=system

==> importing definitions from backup.

$ imp file=transporter3.dmp log=transporter3.log inctype=restore

==> importing data from backup.

$ imp file=spider.dmp log=spider.log show=y

==> checks the validity of the dumpfile.

$ imp file=scott.dmp log=scott.log indexfile=scott_schema.sql
==> will write DDLs of the objects in exported dumpfile (scott schema) into specified file. This command won't import the objects.

How to improve Export & Import

1. Set the BUFFER parameter to a high value. Default is 256KB.
2. Stop unnecessary applications to free the resources.
3. If you are running multiple sessions, make sure they write to different disks.
4. Do not export to NFS (Network File Share). Exporting to disk is faster.
5. Set the RECORDLENGTH parameter to a high value.
6. Use DIRECT=yes (direct mode export).


1. Place the file to be imported in separate disk from datafiles.
2. Increase the DB_CACHE_SIZE.
3. Set LOG_BUFFER to big size.
4. Stop redolog archiving, if possible.
5. Use COMMIT=n, if possible.
6. Set the BUFFER parameter to a high value. Default is 256KB.
7. It's advisable to drop indexes before importing to speed up the import process or set INDEXES=N and building indexes later on after the import. Indexes can easily be recreated after the data was successfully imported.
9. Disable the INSERT triggers, as they fire during import.
10. Set Parameter COMMIT_WRITE=NOWAIT(in 10g) or COMMIT_WAIT=NOWAIT (in 11g) during import.

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  1. Thanks Sir.
    It is really helpful for me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for posting a informative post, we provide India Export Database

  4. is there will be any issued in import if we use statics=none during the export

  5. Thanks for sharing this valuable information

  6. thank you bro , this is really helpful

  7. Can we have the same utilities for a website which is based on wordpress as CMS?
