Percona Toolkit Usage and Installation (PXC Part 3)
Percona Toolkit is a collection of advanced command-line (CLI) tools that are created/used by Percona to help Percona support team or users to perform a variety of MongoDB and MySQL administration tasks that can be too difficult or complex to do manually.
Part 1 of the article - Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 8.0 Installation/Configuration
Part 2 of the article - ProxySQL 2 configuration/installation
Part 4 of the article - Percona Xtrabackup Backup & Recovery
Part 5 of the article - Installation of Percona Monitoring and Management client/server
Installing Percona Toolkit (3.3)
Install Percona Toolkit using the corresponding package manager, on RHEL or CentOS:
yum list all | grep toolkit
dnf install percona-toolkit -y
If you want to download a specific tool, use
For example, to download the pt-slave-restart tool, run:
Using tools in Percona Toolkit
pt-summary # Summarize system information nicely
pt-summary > pt-summary.out
pt-mysql-summary # Summarize MySQL information nicely
pt-mysql-summary --user=root --password=secret
pt-mysql-summary --user=root --password=secret > "${PTDEST}/pt-mysql-summary.out"
pt-table-checksum # Checks whether master/replicas have consistent copy or not
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9 h=localhost -d thirumani
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9 h=localhost -d thirumani --slave-user=replication --slave-password=Slave@123
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9 h=localhost -d thirumani --slave-user=replication --slave-password=Slave@123 --no-check-binlog-format
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9 --replicate testdb.sample h=master-host
pt-table-checksum -uroot --pSecret9 --replicate testdb.sample h=master-host -d sakila
pt-table-sync # Synchronize MySQL table data efficiently
pt-table-sync --execute h=localhost,D=thirumani,t=order_items_refund h=host2
pt-table-sync --execute h=localhost -uroot --pSecret9 --replicate thirumani.order_items_refund --slave-user=replication --slave-password=Slave@123
pt-table-sync --execute localhost host2 host3
pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master slave1
pt-table-sync --execute --replicate test.checksum master1
pt-table-sync --execute --replicate test.checksum --sync-to-master slave1
pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master h=master2,D=db,t=tbl
pt-table-sync -uroot --pSecret9 --replicate testdb.sample --print h=master-host
pt-slave-find # Find and print replication hierarchy tree of MySQL slaves
pt-slave-find --host localhost -uroot --pSecret9
pt-slave-delay # Make a MySQL slave server lag behind its master
pt-slave-delay --delay 1m --interval 15s --run-time 10m slavehost
pt-slave-delay --delay 2h h=slave
pt-slave-restart # Watch and restart MySQL replication after errors
pt-slave-restart [OPTIONS] [DSN]
pt-slave-restart h=slave
pt-slave-restart --master-uuid
pt-heartbeat # Monitor MySQL replication delay
pt-heartbeat -h192.168.1.222 -uroot --pSecret9
pt-heartbeat -D percona --create-table --update h=master
pt-heartbeat -D test --update -h master-server --daemonize
pt-heartbeat -D test --monitor -h slave-server
pt-heartbeat -D test --check h=slave-server
pt-query-digest # Analyze MySQL queries from logs, processlist, and tcpdump
pt-query-digest master/data/slow.log
pt-query-digest --review h=host2 --no-report slow.log
pt-query-digest slow.log --no-report --output slowlog --filter '$event->{fingerprint} && make_checksum($event->{fingerprint}) eq "FDEA8D2993C9CAF3"'
pt-query-digest --create-review_table --review D=dbname,t=tablename slow.log
pt-query-digest --processlist h=localhost -uroot --pSecret9
pt-query-digest --processlist h=localhost -uroot --pSecret9 --print --no-report --interval=0.01 > slow.log
pt-query-digest --processlist h=localhost -uroot --pSecret9 --interval=0.01 --output=slowlog > slow.log
tcpdump -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt -i any -c 1000 port 3306 > mysql.tcp.txt
pt-query-digest --type tcpdump mysql.tcp.txt
pt-upgrade # Verify that query results are identical on different servers (before upgrade)
pt-upgrade h=host1 h=host2 slow.log
pt-upgrade h=host1 --save-results host1_results/ slow.log
pt-upgrade host1_results1/ h=host2
pt-upgrade h=host1 h=host2 queries.txt
pt-visual-explain # Format EXPLAIN output as a tree
pt-visual-explain <file_containing_explain_output>
pt-visual-explain -c <file_containing_query>
mysql -e "explain select * from mysql.user" | pt-visual-explain
pt-stalk # Collect forensic data about MySQL when problems occur
pt-stalk --function process list --variable Command --match Sleep --threshold 155 --cycles 0
pt-stalk --no-stalk --iterations=2 --sleep=30 -- --user=root --password=<mysql-root-pass>
pt-stalk --no-stalk --iterations=2 --sleep=30 --dest="${PTDEST}" -- --user=root --password=<mysql-root-pass>
pt-stalk --variable Threads_connected --cycles 2 -- --user satya
pt-find # Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find
pt-find --ctime +1 --engine MyISAM
pt-find --engine InnoDB --exec "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM"
pt-find --connection-id '\D_\d+_(\d+)$' --server-id '\D_(\d+)_\d+$' --exec-plus "DROP TABLE %s"
pt-find --empty junk test --exec-plus "DROP TABLE %s"
pt-find --tablesize +5G
pt-find --printf "%T\t%D.%N\n" | sort -rn
pt-find --noquote --exec "INSERT INTO sysdata.tblsize(db, tbl, size) VALUES('%D', '%N', %T)"
pt-align # Aligns output from other tools to columns
pt-archiver # Archive rows from a MySQL table into another table or a file
pt-archiver --source h=host,D=db,t=child --purge --where 'NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM parent WHERE col=child.col)'
pt-archiver --source h=oltp_server,D=test,t=tbl --dest h=olap_server --file '/var/log/archive/%Y-%m-%d-%D.%t' --where "1=1" --limit 1000 --commit-each
pt-archiver --source h=,D=sakila,t=payment --where 'rental_id > 1000' --limit 100 --commit-each --purge --dry-run
pt-archiver --source h=,D=sakila,t=payment --where 'rental_id > 1000' --limit 100 --commit-each --purge --progress=100
pt-archiver --source h=,D=sakila,t=payment --dest h=,D=sakila_archive,t=payment --where 'rental_id > 1000' --limit 100 --commit-each
pt-config-diff # Diff MySQL configuration files and server variables
pt-config-diff h=host1 h=host2
pt-config-diff /etc/my.cnf h=host1
pt-config-diff /etc/my-small.cnf /etc/my-large.cnf
pt-deadlock-logger # Log MySQL deadlocks
pt-deadlock-logger h=host1
pt-deadlock-logger h=host1 --iterations 1
pt-deadlock-logger h=host1 --dest h=host2,D=percona_schema,t=deadlocks
pt-diskstats # An interactive I/O monitoring tool for GNU/Linux
pt-diskstats [OPTIONS] [FILES]
pt-duplicate-key-checker # Find duplicate indexes and foreign keys on MySQL tables
pt-duplicate-key-checker --host host1
pt-fifo-split # Split files and pipe lines to a fifo without really splitting
pt-fifo-split --lines 1000000 hugefile.txt
while [ -e /tmp/pt-fifo-split ]; do cat /tmp/pt-fifo-split; done
pt-fingerprint # Convert queries into fingerprints
pt-fingerprint --query "select a, b, c from users where id = 500"
pt-fingerprint /path/to/file.txt
pt-fk-error-logger # Log MySQL foreign key errors
pt-fk-error-logger h=host1
pt-fk-error-logger h=host1 --iterations 1
pt-fk-error-logger h=host1 --dest h=host2,D=percona_schema,t=fke
pt-index-usage # Read queries from a log and analyze how they use indexes
pt-index-usage /path/to/slow.log --host localhost
pt-index-usage slow.log --no-report --save-results-database percona
pt-ioprofile # Watch process IO and print a table of file and I/O activity
pt-ioprofile [OPTIONS] [FILE]
pt-kill # Kill MySQL queries that match certain criteria
pt-kill --busy-time 60 --kill
pt-kill --busy-time 60 --print
pt-kill --match-command Sleep --kill --victims all --interval 10
pt-kill --match-state login --print --victims all
mysql -e "SHOW PROCESSLIST" > proclist.txt
pt-kill --test-matching proclist.txt --busy-time 60 --print
pt-mext # Look at many samples of MySQL SHOW GLOBAL STATUS side-by-side
pt-mext -r -- mysqladmin ext -i10 -c3
pt-mext -r -- cat mysqladmin-output.txt
pt-mext -r -- mysqladmin ext -i1 -c4
pt-mext -r -- cat 2021_05_01_12_55_30-mysqladmin > ptmext.out
pt-online-schema-change # ALTER tables without locking them
pt-online-schema-change --alter "ADD COLUMN c1 INT" D=sakila,t=actor
pt-online-schema-change --alter "ENGINE=InnoDB" D=sakila,t=actor
pt-online-schema-change --alter-foreign-keys-method auto --alter "add key actor_last_update(last_update)" --execute h=localhost,D=sakila,t=actor
pt-pmp # Aggregate GDB stack traces for a selected program, a poor man’s profiler
pt-pmp [OPTIONS] [FILES]
pt-secure-collect # collect, sanitize, pack and encrypt data
pt-secure-collect [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
pt-secure-collect collect <flags>
pt-show-grants #Canonicalize and print MySQL grants so you can effectively replicate, compare and version-control them
pt-show-grants --separate --revoke | diff othergrants.sql -
pt-sift # Browses files created by pt-stalk
pt-table-usage # Analyze how queries use tables
pt-table-usage [OPTIONS] [FILES]
pt-variable-advisor # Analyze MySQL variables and advise on possible problems
pt-variable-advisor localhost
pt-variable-advisor --source-of-variables vars.txt
pt-mongodb-query-digest # reports query usage statistics by aggregating queries from MongoDB query profiler
pt-mongodb-query-digest [OPTIONS]
pt-mongodb-summary # collects information about a MongoDB cluster. It collects information from several sources to provide an overview of the cluster
pt-mongodb-summary [OPTIONS] [HOST[:PORT]]
pt-pg-summary # collects information about a PostgreSQL cluster
pt-pg-summary [options] [host:[port]]
pt-k8s-debug-collector # Collects debug data (logs, resource statuses etc.) from a k8s/OpenShift cluster. Data is packed into the cluster-dump.tar.gz archive in the current working directory
Related Percona/MySQL Articles: Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) Configuration Percona Xtrabackup Full/Incremental Backup & Recovery
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